Sunday, October 01, 2006

Review Of Week 2

A friend of mine met a woman through a dating site a few months ago. My friend - lets call him Eegit - is a really nice man but isn't always the best judge of character.

The woman in question came from New Zealand and had a fairly impressive job in the city. For the life of me I couldn' work out why she might be interested in Eegit. That is until we had the following conversation:

Me: So how's it going with your one from New Zealand?

Eegit: Alright I s'pose. I don't know though - she's maybe a wee bit odd.

Me: What way odd? Apart from being interested in you of course.

Eegit: Well she's been sharing her fantasies with me.

Me (beginning to panic as do not wish to hear strange NZ woman's fantasy which may involve Eegit); Sure now I don't need to know about that. It's a private thing between the two of you.

Eegit: Not those kind of fantasies! No it's just that she told me that she likes men in uniforms so she does.

Me: For god sake's sure that's just normal. Nothing odd about that.

Eegit: No but it's a bit more than that. Apparently when she sees a man in a uniform she stands beside him and then gets a passerby to take a photograph of the pair of them.

Me: That is taking it a bit further than most. Tell me does she distinguish a-tall between uniforms? Like would a postman be as good as a Scots Guard? What about a man in the Salvation Army?

Eegit: If you're not going to take this seriously I'm not telling you any more!

Me: No I am taking it seriously. OK it doesn't sound great but sure everyone has their wee quirks and remember, beggars can't be choosers.

Eegit: No, but there's more. Apparently in her living room she has one of those coffee tables that has a piece of glass that goes on the top of it and what she does is she gets the photos printed and then she displays them under the glass .

Me: Feck! You haven't given her your address have you?

See, this is the inherent danger of meeting people through dating sites. You could end up spending time with someone who has the most appalling taste in interior design.

Progress this week - 0%.


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