Saturday, October 21, 2006


I wasn't particularly aware of texting until about 3 years ago. I was probably first alerted to it by reading curmudgeony letters in the Guardian giving out about young people writing things like C U L8R.

Of course now texting is ubiquitous and forms an essential part of courting rituals. I think it is brilliant for arranging appointments, for letting people know you're going to be late or confirming where exactly you are meeting but it is not a substitute for proper communication. In my view texts should be used in a limited way and in very restricted circumstances; to give information, to flirt or for the occasional bit of filth.

The text messages I dislike most are the soppy ones:

- Thinking about you loads xx

- Yes me too x

- Are you thinking about me every minute? xxx

- Yes quite often x

- Can I send you a big good night kiss? xxxx

- Yes that would be fine x

- Don't you want to send me a big good night kiss? xxxxx

- Feck off and don't be annoying me! I'm watching Newsnight and I can't be arsed with this kind of adolescent crap.

Maybe I'm just not cut out for relationships.


At 12:16 pm, Blogger Anxious said...

I started my current relationship with a text message! We were at opposite ends of the country, so I couldn't just go and see him. I thought that a telephone call was too confrontational, whilst an email could lead to an agonising wait so I chose to text. Worked for me. And yes, I may have sent or received flirty or filthy texts from time to time... ;)

Like you say, they are great for certain things, but I can't see the point of the "soppy" ones either.

At 11:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm male. I like romantic, don't like soppy and prefer phone calls to texts. I've had 2 long-term relationships (12 years+ each) but I do sometimes wonder if it's worth the effort. :)

At 9:24 pm, Blogger Martha Fox said...

I think my problem is I don't know the difference between soppy and romantic. I guess the first makes your toes curl and the second gives you butterflies in the pit of your stomach.


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