Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Remarkably I have something to write about.

Obviously, as a single person, unlike all of you out there in smug-long-term-relationship land, I do have a sex life of sorts. Well what I have is an Arrangement. Initially I thought the Arrangement was going to be a Relationship but it wasn't to be.

My Arrangement came round to see me this week however our opportunity to behave in an inappropriate way was stymied by the fact that I now also have a Teenage Lodger and neither the Arrangement nor I was barefaced enough to do anything while the child was in the house.

But this isn't what happened to me. What happened is that Greg who inspired me to start writing this has been in contact.

The question is should I agree to see him?

I ask the Teenage Lodger, having given her a slightly edited account of how Greg and I met and then fell out.

"See, I kinda met this guy and, like we really liked each other, and then we had a misunderstanding like, and didn't see each other again and then he like, in a totally random way, contacted me and now like he wants to see me again so, like, what should I do?"

The teenager lodger advises me to see him.

I email my friend who lives overseas and currently doesn't have her sorrows to seek in relation to matters of the heart.

She advises me to see him otherwise I'll always regret it not knowing how it might have turned out.

I talk to my friend the Academic on the phone.

"What? That tosser's been trying to contact you! Have nothing to do with him! The man's a messer of the first order. Not that's there any point in me talking to you, for sure you never listen to a word I say so you don't. Just don't come crying to me when it all goes wrong. Honestly, I don't know what's wrong with you you're so.................................."

I gently set the phone down on the sofa and within moments get all the 8s in the sodouko puzzle in the Guardian. Another minute or two passes.

" I'll not waste my breath anymore on telling you what to do because sure what's the point."

The Academic is very stressed at the moment and so am I because I genuinely don't know what to do.


At 7:44 pm, Blogger Anxious said...

Ach, what do Academics know?

Well, apart from quite a lot about specific topics...

I would echo your overseas friend - probably better to regret doing something than to regret *not* doing something... though there are probably exceptions to this...

At 8:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing to stop you seeing him, at the end of the day it's your feelings and instincts you have to go by.

If you do, mr spoilsport in the corner here would suggest you give thought to a couple of points.

There's the 2 of you apparently getting along like a house on fire, early days I agree, but as soon as he goes off to France he chats up some woman and gets laid. Worse still he tells you about it. Just how interested in you was he and OK maybe he was being open and honest but is this going to be some kind of a pattern. I seem to recall you live at opposite ends of the country which leaves him plenty of scope to play around. (and you for that matter.)

You express a strong desire to be in a relationship rather than just an arrangement but this leaves you vulnerable to manipulation in so many ways.

My opinion would be by all means see the guy if you liked him that much but go slow and leave the blinkers at home. :)

Starting any kind of relationship is difficult at the best of times, as you get older it gets harder and hurts more if it doesn't work, but if you don't try what are you left with?

Good luck.

At 10:16 pm, Blogger Martha Fox said...

Oh I think I like Anxious' advice better than Tattieheid's but thanks anyway.

I have arranged to see him but not until next weekend.

May also have to review policy on writing exposing blog.


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