Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Ok I know I'm a bit late with this, but hey, who's counting.

I went on my date with Greg on Sunday. I wasn't as nervous as I expected to be. We met at Tate Britain. This made an interesting change from Tate Modern where, on any weekend at least 89% of visitors are going on first dates.

My first thought on meeting him was that he didn't look like how I remembered, perhaps not surprising as it was at least 6 weeks since we'd met before and on that occasion we'd only spent an hour together.

I took him into the Members Room and we had barely sat down on the sofa when suddenly, looming above me, was a man braying in an RP accent:

"Martha Fox - Martha Fox!"

It took me about 20 seconds to work out that it was someone I knew vaguely through work. I stood up and we did the slightly excruciating dance/kiss thing that you do with people you don't really know. (English people are inept at this but, compared to Irish people, they are almost European in their approach to social kissing.) Later it occurred to me that it was just as well that I hadn't given Greg a false name. I mentioned this to him as I thought it was quite funny but he didn't seem to find it as amusing as I did.

The time with Greg passed reasonably well and during it I was pretty sure that I wanted to see him again. We never once mentioned the drama that occurred between our last meeting and this one.

When we parted at the station he didn't kiss me goodbye which seemed odd.

Overall I felt a sense of relief when he'd gone and I was back on the tube, reading the Observer magazine and planning what I'd have for dinner.

On reflection Greg didn't make me laugh once and I didn't make him laugh either. Contrary to the evidence provided here, I am quite funny although acknowledge that the slight awkwardness inherent in these situations does sometimes mask wit and the ability to make intelligent conversation. He didn't ask me many questions about myself .

When I got home I was still fairly confident that we would see each other again....and then the texting began.


At 12:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this is odd, but true. I was actually checking a new web posting with my work place. I did a web search and saw your name. Just wanted you to know that you have a "counterpart" in Houston, Texas. Hi - my name is Martha Fox!

At 6:48 am, Blogger Anxious said...

You're so right about social kissing. We either need to adopt it wholesale or reject it outright, we just can't have this "will I, won't I" approach - so awkward.

It was so much easier when I lived in France...

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